Active & Interactive Learning Workshop
1. The Goal
In my time consulting in classrooms, I noticed a pattern across many K–12 classes: students needed less solo sitting and more moving and interacting.
2. The Strategies
3. The Day
4. The Workshop Slides
I avoid bullets and lots of text. Instead I use visuals and animation in my workshop slides to communicate concepts in a clear and engaging way.
Scroll through some sample slides or view the video below to get a feel for the look of the workshop.
Sample slides
Workshop snippet
5. The Take-away
A fun and practical day
The feedback from the workshop was overwhelmingly positive.
98.8% agreed The activities helped me actively engage with workshop content.
97.6% agreed This workshop gave me concrete ideas & strategies to incorporate into my work.
I got emails from participants afterwards with photos of their classes up and moving around and talking and sharing. One teacher wrote, “I have been using this every day and the kids loves finding their partner. The kids also liked the billboard walk. I am going to continue to try more activities this month. Your PD was so useful and helpful. Thanks again!”
I made the workshop I had needed as a teacher.
I know that I fell into the too-much-talk trap in my time in the classroom. Student engagement is critical to learning, and yet it can be challenging to figure out the how.
And of course, these catalysts are not the only approaches to engagement—the content needs to be developmentally appropriate, relevant to students, and culturally responsive and sustaining… all important topics for additional workshops!