
 Teaching strategies to use now!

dynamICONs and Balance Challenge

Two visual strategies I created for teachers to support students—and themselves!

Illustration of a piece of notebook paper with several colorful post-it notes on it. Each post-it note has a different symbol, such as three dots, brackets, and a ray of arrows


A simple visual strategy to help teachers make their communication more clear, concrete, and consistent

Illustration of a dial. On one side it reads "encourage independence" with an icon of a person walking up stairs. On the other side it reads "Provide support" with an icon of an outstretched hand

Balance Challenge

A visual framework to help teachers explore the nuances of decision-making in the classroom

animation of cartoon brain growing and shrinking in size

Strategy Blog

A growing collection of strategies and ideas for teachers

Aaron Lanou Aaron Lanou

Simple Visuals for Deep Thinking

Visual supports make abstract concepts more concrete for students, helping them learn, remember, and apply their thinking. Learn how to use simple, free tools to create clear visuals in your classroom.

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Aaron Lanou Aaron Lanou

“Fries or Salad?”: Six Simple Ways to Offer Students Either-Or Choices

Being offered meaningful choices in school is a powerful experience for students. It’s a central element of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and it helps students develop a sense of agency and belonging. Providing “either-or” choices—offering the option between two clear alternatives—help students consider their needs, make a decision, and have an element of control over their learning.

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Aaron Lanou Aaron Lanou

Say it in Three — Simplifying Verbal Directions

We teachers use lots of language when we give directions. Sadly much of what we say is not truly being heard! One way to simplify our language and have everything be heard is to say it in three: replace your long list of directions with a total of three words!

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